About Us
Caleb International Journal of Development Studies (CIJDS) is the journal of the Caleb University, Imota, Lagos.
Caleb International Journal of Development Studies (CIJDS) is dedicated to a broad range of researches in development studies and emphasizes original research, especially on contemporary developmental issues. CIJDS welcomes contributions from scholars, specialists and policy makers. Manuscripts submitted for consideration undergo a double-blind peer-review to determine suitability for publication.
All submissions to the CIJDS should be typed in Microsoft Word with double line spacing, 11-point Garamond font size in English Language and should not exceed 15 pages on size A4 paper. All prospective contributions should not be under consideration elsewhere. An abstract of not more than 150 words stating the thrust of the article, process and findings should accompany the submission. Authors are to state the title of their manuscript, their names, academic status, institutional affiliation, telephone number, and e-mail address on the cover page.
Book Reviews should not exceed four (4) pages typed double-spaced on size A4 paper, while Review Articles should not exceed eight pages. References and citations in the CIJDS should follow the APA (7th Edition) format, with the references indicated in-text at the appropriate places and a Reference List included at the end (see sample below). Authors should also include the data or data instrument used in the study to aid the review process. Contributors are entitled to two complimentary copies of the volume their articles appear.
All manuscripts will be refereed through a double-blind process. Manuscripts will not be returned to author. There is a maximum limit of three authors per paper. As a general rule, a published author would only be eligible to publish in CIJDS after one other edition and no author can publish more than one article in an edition of the journal. The Journal requires authors to sign a copyright agreement before articles can be published. This is due to the copyright protection agreement with the Nigerian Copyright Commission to maintain the integrity of articles in the Journal.
Kindly note that this journal attracts a peer review fee of N10, 000 (ten thousand naira) only for contributions from Nigeria following the submission of papers, and $150 review and publication fee for accepted papers from outside Nigeria. A publication fee is to be communicated to local contributors whose papers are accepted. Scanned copy of evidence of payment (teller) should be sent to the Editor by mail.
Space to make your
greatest impact.
CIJDS is dedicated to a broad range of researches in development studies and emphasizes original research, especially on contemporary developmental issues.